Legio IX Hispana Diarium - Bringing Ancient Rome to Life!

Archive for June, 2012

Events,Legio IX Hispana,Recruiting

June 24, 2012

Been awhile

I often forget that this is here. Things ARE going well with Leg. IX and we have recently gotten some great new recruits — men who do other time periods… this is a good thing, as I personally feel that Roman reenacting needs a little cross-pollination form other time periods. Too many in this time period feel that our main reason for doing this is for the children or to educate the public — both things that are BS. Children just don’t care about your armor or kit — they want to see you blow crap up. Really. Most adults that come out, really, are not thinking of this and you can see the vacant looks. 🙁 Yes, it IS neat to see it live, in colour. However, to “feel” it, takes more. Can we say “immersion event?”

Anyway, we went to Roman Days, it was hot. I was sick all week before hand, so didn’t really do much. Hell, to me, the fun of it is seeing all one’s comrades anyway.

Next up, in July is a fabrica, then an immersion event soon. Ought to be fun and we ARE growing. We are getting some really quality recruits and that is great for the unit. Our Oberhauptcenturioführer, as I call him, has some great ideas for us and I am excited there. We have even discussed starting an organization w/ a goal of buying land and building a fort here in the MidLant. Lafe, AR is TOO FAR, sorry, but it is. However, this IS the epicenter of reenacting, so I think we could do something good. We have the knowledge, we have the experience… Let’s do it!

We Need Enemies

Celts… most places just can’t seem to recruit them… why? My feeling is that like any recruiting, you have to get them started, to see how easy it is and to start them right. SCA might be a good place, as they already do some fighting, we just need them to see needlefelt and how to use that. Needlefelt allows authentic kit, not beefed-up sport armor. Anyway, I just think it isn’t as hard as the nay-sayers go on about — to them the cup is ALWAYS half empty. Always. 🙁 Waah! Why not try?