Legio IX Hispana Diarium - Bringing Ancient Rome to Life!

What this is

Legio IX Hispana

This is a blog about our group. It is more about building a unit, running  unit and some of the details in what we do. Why? I don’t know. Other than just as a record of what we’re doing, I don’t know where it will go. That’s the fun of blogging.

Who We Are

We portray a company of soldiers, common Roman soldiers, support Auxilia, and civilians, all doing the same time period, presenting a large dynamic display. There are no officers and no fancy titles, no governors or senators or tribunes… no togas. We are common soldiers and the civilians who would have been associated with a Roman military encampment.

Reenactment Philosophy
The best way to describe what we do is engendered in the phrase ‘experiential archeology’. Our displays are dynamic, not static. We are not content with parades and drills or displays of gear. We, via our portrayals, prefer to put our Roman gear and equipment to the test.

We strongly believe that the gear we make or acquire is best portrayed and understood when it is used, used extensively, put to its physical limitations. We do not revere our equipment or handle it with cotton gloves. The gear we make and wear is designed and intended to be durable, fully functional soldier’s gear, just like the originals.

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